Cedar and Deck Restoration

Log Home with 4-6 Year Seal

Log Home sealed with TWP log and siding.
Not common locally
unless you're touring a historic site, but they are still being built around wooded areas. Log homes today are better insulated without insulation than most of our stick homes with insulation. Treating them is a delight, and though they take much more sealer after getting some splitting, they are very easy to back brush to remove excess sealer and fill in dry areas.

Always check the caulking on these homes, because as the logs dry and shift you can end u with some significant gaps.

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Services Included

  • Pressure washing
  • Wood brightening
  • Caulking
  • Staining

Log Home with 6-12 Year Seal

Log home sealed with TWP Cedar Gold.
More recently I found
a product that can sometimes more than double the life expectancy of siding, logs and fences. The colors are more limited for this product, but if you find one that you like I would recommend it. This can not be used on decks unfortunately, but your vertical wood that you don't plan on leaning on for a considerable time, it's a wonderful option.

Although the apllication is relatively the same, the nature of the product is much thicker and absorption takes much longer.

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Add On Services

  • Chemical Strippers
  • Painting
  • Painting Windows